Wednesday, 10 June 2009

How do we see ourselves research?

We both agree that role of a practitioner-researcher might be multiple from the onset of the research process. The very ground for it in this research process is already a curious doubling, since we are going to focus on two complementary perspectives, one of a researcher/dancer and the other of a researcher/choreographer.
As we discussed it with Kenzo, it is most important for us to recognize the value of subjective knowledge obtained both through experiencing and observing the process, through transitory stages of stepping in and stepping out of it, complementing praxis with reflection.
This constant mix and interaction of the processes of involvement and reflexivity constitutes the 'tissue' of our work. It is grounded in inter-subjective dynamics and revolts around personal construction/re-construction.
On the Meta level though, the process needs structure in terms of planning and performing activity. After a good couple of brainstorming sessions, we are not able to foresee any single methodological tool to use in our explorations that already look too dense to tackle easily. We are more than certain then that through on-the-spot concocted exercises and practical employments of working ideas, we will resort to some sort of a hybrid working approach. This pluralistic approach means resorting to multi-method, experimental techniques, tuned to a particular daily hunches in the studio.
Improvisation is the key. we would like to keep the pattern of three improvised sessions a day.

1 comment:

  1. If the available Methological Tools are insufficient to analyze your current practical research,... is it then time to invent a new tool? Or is this outside the scope of your project?

    Will we get some pictures or videos soon so that we can better visualize what you are experiencing?

